Welcome to the Valdez Apostolic Church VALDEZ We live in one of the most beautiful places on earth! Valdez is called the “Switzerland of Alaska,” nestled amongst the majestic coastal mountain range, “Where the Mountains meet the sea,” located on beautiful, pristine Prince William Sound. APOSTOLIC "Apostolic" explains who we are. It means that we believe, and contend for truths the original church held (“Ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints,” Jude 3). Salvational truth. Godhead truth. Prophetic truth. Due to post-Apostolic creeds and councils of men, the state church of the middle ages, and various Protestant distortions, vital truths have been obscured. We hold to the Apostles doctrine (Acts 2:42) established on the day of Pentecost. And, to Pentecostal worship, our services are anointed, dynamic, powerful, and exciting. CHURCH "Church" is a uniquely Christian term. "Ecclesia" in the Greek, meaning the "called out" ones, called out of the world. We believe God has called us to serve him in obedience and holiness. Called to worship him in spirit and truth. ENDTIME-TRUTH.COM The endtimes are coming upon us. This is not your typical business-as-usual church site. Nor even the typical Apostolic church site. This is an endtime Apostolic church site.Thus, the endtime-truth address. The articles you will find here are not your typical Apostolic Pentecostal issues, other Apostolic sites have excellent material along those lines. We offer, rather, endtime related articles which we believe are of paramount importance to Apostolics everywhere. The burden of providing these endtime truths weighs heavy upon our hearts. We have come to the kingdom for such a time as this!